To refer a new client, please click here. Please note that M4M does not accept self-referrals.

Referral Form

Pepa Tono

We accept referrals from all healthcare and well-child providers.
We no longer accept self-referrals, please contact your healthcare provider to do the referral on your behalf.

As of 01 March 2025 you will need to be a M4M Referral Subscription Member.

Regions with Mums4Mums

We are currently only operating in Tauranga (Waihi to Te Puke), Whakatane and Rotorua. 

If you are interested in learning more information about starting a Mums4Mums Chapter in your Region please contact us.

Referral Form

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Thank you for your referral on of the team will be in contact soon.


Need to get in touch? / Matawara Kia Whakapā Mai?

Fill out the form below and we will do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.

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Thanks so much for your message. We will do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.

E tau nei ki runga i a tātou katoa te wairua aroha

Kia ngākaunui tātou ki te hāpai i ā tātou mahi kia puawai tātou katoa.

Whakakahangia tātou kia mahitahi kia manaaki, kia tiaki i ngā tamariki, i ngā rangatahi, i ngā hapori hoki.

Mauri ora!

Settle upon us all a loving spirit

To enable us to be dedicated to our work so that all may grow and blossom.

Strengthen us to work together to nurture and look after the children the youth and also our communities.

A vibrant life force!