To refer a new client, please click here. Please note that M4M does not accept self-referrals.


Ngā Rauemi

You don't have to do this alone. Please find below an ever-growing list of resources for new māmā and their whānau on where to go for help.

Helplines / Araāwhina

Need To Talk

Free call or free text 1737. For support from a trained counsellor.

Lifeline Aotearoa

0800 54 33 54 or free text 4357 A free and confidential crisis helpline service

Depression Helpline

0800 111 757 or free text 4202 To talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions


For trusted health advice, treatment and information about what to do next.

Crisis Resolution Service (CRS)

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis and you’re worried about your safety or their safety, we provide assessment and short-term treatment services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Early Parenting Support / He Tautoko Mātuatanga Wawe

Raising Children 

Your parenting support resource from delivery suite to double digits.

Parents Centre Aotearoa

Good sections on mental health


Parenting information and resources for whānau supporters.


Connect with other new parents & their babies as you explore parenting & children’s development in a safe, facilitated environment.


Space at Playcentre has a real focus on the needs of newborns to 1 year olds, as well as the support and friendship of other new parents.

Mental Health Support / He Tautoko Ora Hinengaro

Mental Health Foundation

Improving the lives of individuals, whānau, organisations and communities.

Little Shadow

Creating headspace
for parents.

How are you... really?

Check if you are affected by perinatal anxiety or depression.

Mother Helpers

Supporting Mums under stress.

Skylight Trust

National trust supporting children, young people, and whānau to navigate through times of trauma.

Small Steps

Health & wellbeing toolbox, developed to help with feelings of anxiety, stress, or low mood. Each tool only takes a few minutes.


Provide useful resources and information about OCD, treatment and where to get help.

Trauma/Birth Stress & Baby Loss Support / He Tautoko Pōkaikaha Whakawhānau/Whētuki/Materoto

My Birth Story

A place to find comfort, validation and support.

Healing Birth

Did you experience powerlessness, fear, loss of control or abandonment as part of your birth experience? Are you struggling with anxiety, anger, grief, post-traumatic stress, bonding issues, guilt or low self-esteem that you would like support to heal from?

Sands NZ

Support for bereaved families, parents and whānau in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Miscarriage Support

Offers support and information to the many women and their families throughout New Zealand who grieve for the loss of their babies.

Miscarriage Matters NZ

Miscarriage information for New Zealanders.

Help for Men / He Āwhina Mō Ngā Tāne

Kidz Need Dadz

Kidz Need Dadz' mission is to help New Zealand men be the best fathers they can be. Through education and support we help dads to play an active part in their children's lives. As well as supporting fathers, we educate the broader community about the need for dads to be involved with their children.

He Waka Tapu

0800 439 276 (0800 HEYBRO) for men who feel they are going to harm a loved one or whanau member

Father and Child

Father & Child offer phone, personal or groups support in Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington. Father & Child offer understanding and strategies to encourage better, more involved dads.

Reports / Ngā Pūrongo

Āhurutia Te Rito / It takes a village

The Helen Clark Foundation

How better support for perinatal mental health could transform the future for whānau and communities in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Social Isolation Report

This report focuses on discussions held with individuals from four target groups identified through Vital Update Tauranga 2020 where social isolation was evident: kaumatua/older people (60+ years), rangatahi/young adults (16-24 years), migrants, and people living with disabilities.

Mums4Mums Annual Return

Coming soon.

He hono tangata e kore e motu; ka pa he taura waka e motu

Unlike a canoe rope, a human bond cannot be severed